Prepare a checklist, you can upload your own format, or use Safety 360 Elite to develop one (hit the contact button on the home page if you need help), you can contact Affsaf for access.
Learner answers should include the following:
- Serial number clear & legible
- Correct location as per floor plan
- Correctly mounted
- Instructions facing outwards
- Free from obstructions
- Discharge lever in good condition
- Locking pin and seal in place*
- Carry handle in good condition
- Pressure gauge in green*
- The needle does not move when hefted
- Discharge hose in good condition and properly secured to body*
- Discharge nozzle in good condition and free from obstructions*
- Body in generally good condition – free of scratches and bumps
- Instructions and data legible
- Inspection tag up-to-date*
- Annual service still valid i.e. done within previous 12 months*
[Those items that are highlighted with the * symbol are considered appropriate items for inclusion in a quick daily check of the extinguisher]