Manage Noise at the Workplace
Manage Noise at the Workplace – Course structure:
Loud Noise exposure limit
Effects of continuous exposure
Health effects
Noise zoning; and the need for Noise zones.
Sources of noise
Protective measures at the workplace
Protective measures to be taken against noise
Management of personal protective equipment
Course outcomes:
This course is structured so that you can understand the requirements pertaining to noise exposure in a workplace.
Manage Noise at the Workplace is important for the following reasons:
- Understanding Noise Sources: Employees learn about various noise sources in the workplace, such as machinery, equipment, and tools. By understanding these sources, they can take appropriate precautions to minimize exposure.
- Health Impacts: The training covers the health effects of prolonged exposure to high noise levels. For instance, continuous exposure to loud noise can lead to hearing loss, tinnitus, and other auditory problems.
- Protective Measures: Employees receive guidance on protective measures, including wearing hearing protection (such as earplugs or earmuffs) and maintaining safe distances from noisy equipment.
- Compliance with Limits: Organizations must comply with noise exposure limits set by regulatory bodies. Training ensures that employees and management understand these limits and take necessary actions to stay within them.
- Workplace Design: Proper noise management involves designing workspaces to reduce noise propagation. Examples include soundproofing walls, using noise-absorbing materials, and scheduling noisy tasks during off-peak hours.
Target group:
This course is aimed at all employees in the workplace.
An attendance certificate will be issued in electronic format, in PDF
SAQA unit standard:
Aligned to unit standard 259602 Describe sources of and control measures for noise in a workplace
The skill, knowledge, and values reflected in this unit standard likewise form part of the exit level outcomes required for the National Certificate in Environmental Practice NQF Level 2.