Leading Incident Investigator Course Overview
Leading Incident Investigator Course is aimed at SHE practitioners. After successful completion of this course, learners will be able to demonstrate the ability to conduct investigations into workplace incidents. The competency includes all the activities required to successfully conduct incident investigations.
All the Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria are assessed in accordance with specified requirements and – where applicable – consequences to health and safety.
Specified requirements include Current legal and site-specific requirements and are contained in one or more of the following documents:
1. Legal:
- Mine Health and Safety Act; Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Chief Inspector of Mines’ Directives
2. Site-specific:
- Health and safety agreements
- Codes of practice
- Standards
- Standards task procedures
- Risk Assessments procedures
- Occupational Health and Safety Risk Management Programme
- Managerial Instructions
- The Mine Standard Procedures
- List of Recorded OH&S Risks
- Working Guides / Permits
- Equipment and Materials Specifications
Leading Incident Investigator Course Learning Objectives
The qualifying learner is capable of:
- Explain the specified requirements pertaining to conducting an investigation into workplace incidents
- Prepare to gather data for the investigation
- Interview witnesses
- Ensure a basic understanding of the rules of evidence so that data collected can be accurately evaluated according to the incident that is being investigated
- Gather and evaluate data
- Understanding of the Ohs Act and its Regulations
- Perform post-investigation functions
- Establish any shortfalls may exist in the OHS management system that is in place
- Identify potential hazards in the workplace and assess the risks associated with them. This could include machinery, chemicals, work processes, and even ergonomic risks.
Other applicable courses for growth/career path
- Legislative training on the Ohs Act and Regulations
- The Coid Act
- Effective Communication skills
- Report Writing skills
- Presentation Skills
Learning Assumed to be in place
- Communication at NQF Level 2
- Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 2